Advice & Career GuidanceJob ClubCoursesLifeline ProjectDig DeepHealth & Wellbeing

What our Clients Say

“The support and commitment of the ASCEND staff and volunteers helped to increase my self-esteem, and confidence.”

“Great Environment and the opportunity to get to grips with various job search skills and approaches with helpful staff and volunteers.”

“ASCEND gave me the opportunity to update my skills, gain a qualification and take up voluntary work for a period of time which I was adverse to doing in the first place. I am now in full-time employment and know that I can contact them at any time if I need any further assistance or support. I would highly recommend any jobseeker to attend the ASCEND Job Club so they could see for themselves how much they would get out of the experience.”

“ASCEND is like having a best friend. Always there for you in times of need whilst encouraging you to improve your life in many ways. The help they give in finding a new job or just to find yourself is second to none. South Oxhey would be an empty place without them.”

“ASCEND courses are brilliant. I have met new people, made friends and it has opened me up to new challenges.”

“I cannot praise ASCEND enough. I hope they carry on for many more years and I will continue to sing their praises to anyone who wants to listen. They are like an extension to your family and you cannot ask for better than that!”

” I thought I was going to hate the worm survey (at Dig Deep), but you know….I’m loving it! I’m buzzing!”

“ASCEND does much valuable work in the community of Three Rivers and particularly in South Oxhey and its services are so important in these difficult times.”

I love coming to ASCEND.  Its a great organisation to volunteer for and despite my own disability, it has helped gain a lot of confidence and has also given me strength. I also really loved going to the Saturday sewing class”.

“I enjoy coming to ASCEND.  It has given me a lot of confidence and self belief.  I enjoy coming to the Step Up projects such as the knitting every Monday afternoon and every Wednesday afternoon to the Stitch Up at Step Up every 2nd Saturday in the month.”

I am doing really well….feel like I’m catching up with reading and spelling.  Great support in class.  Wouldn’t be where I am today without the help from the staff at ASCEND.”

“BBO (Building Better Opportunities) has supported me in a lot of ways in moving forward.  It has given me a job, friendships and given me my life back.  I have found my purpose in life.”
